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Новое в терапии мигрени: таблетки для рассасывания римегепант

Новое в терапии мигрени: таблетки для рассасывания римегепант Новое в терапии мигрени: таблетки для рассасывания римегепант
Новое в терапии мигрени: таблетки для рассасывания римегепант Новое в терапии мигрени: таблетки для рассасывания римегепант


Препарат римегепант успешно завершил клинические исследования iii фазы, продемонстрировав эффективность в купировании острой боли при приступе мигрени.

The experimental drug Rimegepant has successfully completed phase III clinical trials, demonstrating its effectiveness in relieving acute pain during a migraine attack. The main difference between the new drug is its ease of use - Rimegepant is made in the form of lozenges and does not require drinking water.

A randomized, placebo-controlled study involved patients suffering from acute migraine (regardless of the presence of an aura) for more than one year. Patients were given a Romegepant (75 mg, n = 669) or a placebo (n = 682) so that they could take the drug if they developed a migraine attack. The main endpoint of the study was the complete absence of pain and other most severe signs of migraine (photophobia, photophobia, nausea) two hours after taking the drug.

The study organizers were able to show that in the romegepant group, a statistically significantly larger proportion of patients got rid of pain (21.2% versus 10.9%) and other migraine symptoms (35.1% versus 26.8%) than in the placebo group.

A decrease in pain intensity in the active therapy group was noted already 15 minutes after taking the drug, a statistically significant improvement came about 1 hour later.

The drug is characterized by a favorable safety profile: none of the reported adverse events were recorded with a frequency of> 1.6%.


Clinical Pain Advisor


Rimegepant Orally Dissolving Formulation Provides Rapid Relief From Acute Migraine

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