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Visual Media

Dhairya is testing table issue - Education - Visual media

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s...

Visual Media

Visual media Personalized Medicine: Unlocking the Future of Healthcare EDUCATION

OA (Osteoarthritis) and LBP (low back pain), both make muscles stiff, limit your mobility thereby making everyday tasks difficult. 

Visual Media

Reporting of death during the COVID-19 pandemic

Recommendations concerning how to report death during COVID-19.

Visual Media

Neuropathic pain: Are you at higher risk?

Neuropathic pain can be described as burning and throbbing pain in nerves of body caused due to damage and dysfunction of peripheral and central nerves of body....

Visual Media

10 Habits to adopt during neuropathic pain

Along with the regular medications, one must adopt some lifestyle changes for the proper management of neuropathic pain.

Visual Media

Investigation of the relationship between pain, depression and kinesiophobia wit...

The factors that cause neck pain and increase or decrease the pain can vary widely, and the neck pain mechanism is not yet fully explained. So, when evaluating...

Visual Media

Effectiveness of intra-articular injections of sodium bicarbonate and calcium gl...

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease that occurs as a consequence of cartilage degradation and involves a gradual development of pain, stiffness, and l...

Visual Media

The provision and perceived helpfulness of information given to patients concern...

Pain Management Services at Ashford & St Peters’ Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are provided to patients in the North West Surrey locality as part of a comp...

Visual Media

Efficacy and safety of Knee Osteoarthritis treatment with Ketorolac Trometamine...

Management of pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis remains a challenge due to patients’ age, comorbidities, necessity of medicines to be taken for a long p...

Visual Media

DATAPPAIN1: Population based chronic pain study providing novel insights on soci...

Large chronic pain population studies are lacking, and those available often neglect psychosocial characteristics of chronic pain.

Visual Media

Management of moderate COVID-19: pneumonia treatment

Presenting the recommendations by WHO for the management of pneumonia in moderate COVID-19 patients.

Visual Media

COVID-19- Medical Pearls- Guidelines or guidance update

Considering the existing COVID-19 situation, renowned organisations like American Heart Association (AHA), WHO, etc. has issued management guidelines regarding...
