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Management of gout in the real world: current practice versus guideline recommendations

Management of gout in the real world: current practice versus guideline recommendations Management of gout in the real world: current practice versus guideline recommendations
Management of gout in the real world: current practice versus guideline recommendations Management of gout in the real world: current practice versus guideline recommendations

Gout is a chronic, extremely painful disease that is potentially curable when treated effectively. 

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Key take away

This original research focuses on the physician care management techniques to deal with the gout patients for the prompt and safe termination of pain and disability. Curing gout is greatly influenced by shared decision making between the patient and the practitioner.


Gout is a chronic, extremely painful disease that is potentially curable when treated effectively. Unfortunately, approximately one-half of patients with gout are inadequately controlled. 


We surveyed 315 primary care physicians in the United States and Europe to investigate current practice in the real world, as distinct from recommendations in guidelines. 


Our survey on 1657 patients found that regular testing of serum uric acid, in conformity with the guidelines, was conducted by approximately 50% of physicians. Advice to patients on diet and lifestyle was less well implemented, and identification of overweight/obese patients was inconsistent. 


Improvements in practice by physicians would include comprehensive assessment of the patient, adoption of regular monitoring during treatment, and the provision of patient education on adherence and lifestyle.


Postgrad Med. 2016 Jan;128(1):106-14


Management of gout in the real world: current practice versus guideline recommendations


Paul P. Doghramji et al.

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