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Adalimumab and related biosimilars for rheumatoid arthritis management: A review

Adalimumab and related biosimilars for rheumatoid arthritis management: A review Adalimumab and related biosimilars for rheumatoid arthritis management: A review
Adalimumab and related biosimilars for rheumatoid arthritis management: A review Adalimumab and related biosimilars for rheumatoid arthritis management: A review

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Currently, European Medicines Agency and US Food and Drugs Administration has approved three adalimumab biosimilars: AMJEVITA/Solymbic, Cyltezo and Imraldi for RA treatment.

As per the recent study of Current Rheumatology Reports, several biosimilars of Adalimumab will be in the pharmaceutical market soon. Introduction of adalimumab biosimilars offers exciting opportunities for improving treatment access and increasing treatment options for RA.

Adalimumab is a tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor involved to treat various types of arthritis states like ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is the top-selling medication with $18 billion in sales in 2017 alone globally. The following license cessation of Adalimumab has glimpsed the emergence of the variously related biosimilar. The current study assessed the Adalimumab related biosimilars evidence in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) from bio-originator trials to present context for critical review with relation to related biosimilars. 

At present, three Adalimumab biosimilars are present which are the EMA (European Medicines Agency) and/or FDA (US Food and Drugs Administration) approved. The Samsung Bioepis’s SB5, Amgen’s ABP 501 and Boehringer Ingelheim’s (BI0 695501 are the three biosimilars. These all biosimilars meet up with their pre-specified equality criteria. The noticed references and biosimilar products exhibited subtle variations with regards to clinical responses and adverse events. The induction of these biosimilars will provide excellent opportunities to enhance treatment options for RA and other related issues. However, to certify safety and efficacy, a real-world data assessment of these biosimilars is required. 


Current Rheumatology Reports


Review of Biosimilar Trials and Data on Adalimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis


Sizheng Zhao et al.

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